Young Patriotism- Reilly Treat – Senior Pictures

Patriotism, Confidence, Beauty, and Muriel Hemmingway Eyebrows…. As we creep toward the election, I had to comment…she is one of several seniors, telling me they were graduating then planning to go into some form of service for their country….from the Naval Academy to direct military service.  Reilly wanted her senior pictures with her American Flag.   I can’t help but notice the contrast between our beautiful, mature, patriotic youth of today, wanting to make a difference for their country, versus the adult leaders of today, acting like children, vying for positions of control and leadership of our country.  Those adult leaders will make decisions affecting the lives of our youth who selflessly will serve their nation in trust.  I celebrate the innocents.  

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I wish I had a blog post for every single cool and interesting person I have met through photography over the years. I am not disciplined enough to keep up the blog pace nonstop, but I do pop in here from time to time. I enjoy these life experiences I'm making with my whole heart.

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